Bend & Blaze

Ganja Yoga Workshop


Workshop Description

Yoga and Ganja are both very effective tools for spiritual growth, or the journey toward enlightenment. They both bring a shift in consciousness that allows one to become more open to psychological, emotional, and energy states that aren’t usually operational in the grind of daily life. Perhaps you already reach for a joint to step outside the noise from time to time, or you drop into a yoga class when you’ve had a particularly stressful week. But if you haven’t combined the two, you’re in for a treat. 

The benefits of Ganja Yoga include; enhanced relaxation, deeper embodiment, heightened senses, elevated creativity and expanded consciousness -just to name a few. The main benefit of Ganja Yoga is that it helps people to tap into the relaxation response, the drive that we all have to live simpler, happier lives. That’s a form of spirituality we can all get on board with. Yoga and cannabis together can create permanent positive changes to your brain and outlook on life, even after the altered state of mind - brining our bliss off our mats and into our lives. The history of combining yoga and cannabis dates back thousands of years ago and is mentioned in the ancient yogic texts, the Vedas, as a spiritual sacrament. Ayurveda, the Indian medical system and sister science of yoga, has recognized cannabis as a medicine since ancient times, using it to treat dozens of diseases and medical problems. 

In this Ganja Yoga workshop we will partake in our form of choice (TCH herbal, TCH edible, CBD herbal, CBD edible) as a sacred ritual. Stetting intention for the yoga practice and the physiological benefits of our cannabis consumption will give our journey together reverence. We will discuss the many benefits of Ganja Yoga, its history, medicated mindfulness, intention setting, methods of consumption and their benefits. After learning more and partaking in our sacred ritual we will find a sweet, nurturing 1 hour yoga flow - allowing the energy of cannabis to move our breath and bodies. The workshop will close with a marijuana meditation and sweet savanna leaving you full of bliss and ready to float back into your life.  

Workshop includes a handout with all Ganja Yoga information discussed (in case you forget!), your included cannabis form of choice and a whole lot of love!

Sign up before Friday 10/9 to hold your spot!

I can’t wait to Bend and Blaze with you!
